Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Corporatism and government shouldn't mix..

Here's snippet from The Province article from April 25, 2006 by John Bermingham and David Carrigg "Name your building, for a hefty price tag":

"The City of Vancouver is looking at selling the rights to name its city-owned facilities to corporate and individual sponsors..... Potential naming properties would include the Queen Elizabeth Theatre, the Orpheum, the Vancouver Art Gallery, the Dorothy Lam Child Care Centre, Van Dusen Gardens and The Pacific Coliseum.
The proposal has outraged former city councillor Tim Louis, who was last weekend elected to the executive of the Coalition of Progressive Electors.
"As soon as you allow corporatism to leave its mark on government, you begin to remove yet one more place that is currently commercial free," Louis said.
"It also opens up the door to skewed decision making. I fear if the council opens the door to this revenue source, it's only a matter of time before we have some of our most cherished civic institutions named after any number of corporate entities. That would be a very sad day."... Louis has previously dubbed billboards as "graffiti for the rich." "We don't need to move graffiti for the rich into places for the people," he said yesterday.


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