Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Che for Beginners

40 years ago in the American CIA decided that the best way to deal with Che was to have him murdered. Little did they realize that Che would be even more powerful in death than he had already been in that life.

Che was born into a middle-class family in Argentina and went on to become a doctor. And he decided to put his own interests first he would have almost certainly have acquired the wealth and prestige of an upper-class professional. Instead, conscious of the need to bring about revolutions throughout the developing world, he committed himself to a tireless life of fighting for a new world.

Riding his motorcycle north from Argentina he was in Guatemala when the CIA overthrew the democratically elected government in 1954. The government of Guatemala had been committed to the mildest social reforms but even these reforms were too much for America to permit.

Che left Guatemala and continued his journey north until he reached Mexico City where he met a most remarkable man -- Fidel Castro. In the fall of 1956 Fidel, Che and approximately 100 other volunteers left together on a boat that took them to Cuba. Two years later, in late December 1958, Che and Fidel were successful in overthrowing the brutal dictatorship headed by Batista. Batista had been armed and funded by America. This was truly America's first ever defeat.

Over the next decade Che led by example. Absolutely opposed to perks or material rewards of any type today set a standard we should all aspire to. He pioneered the concept of volunteer work.

An excellent article which truly captures everything Che stood for follows.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

A Che Guevara event Sat October 6, 2007

The Canadian-Cuban Friendship Association and Cafe Rebelde are presenting a Che Guevara event at SFU Harbour Center, 515 W. Hastings, Vancouver, BC on Saturday, October 6 from 1PM - 4PM. Speakers include: Laureano Cardoso Toledo, Tim Louis and Nino Pagliccia.